AGM Publications
JASNA’s Annual General Meetings sometimes provide the occasion for publications written for and distributed to those in attendance. We are pleased to make those works available to a worldwide readership:
- A Commonplace Book for Fanny Price, by Elaine Bander and edited by Susan Allen Ford, was published for the 2014 AGM in Montréal.
- “The Beautifull Cassandra: The Pictures, The Music, The Dance,” with pictures by Juliet McMaster, music by Joanne Forman, and choreography by Amber Vasquez, was presented at the 2008 AGM in Chicago.
“Imaginary Letters.” In this collection, first published for the 2005 AGM in Milwaukee, JASNA members imagine letters written by one Austen character to another and by Austen herself.
- In Defense of Mrs. Elton, by Diana Birchall with illustrations by Juliet McMaster. This sympathetic look at Mrs. Elton was first published for the 1999 AGM in Colorado Springs.
- His Cunning or Hers, by June Menzies with illustrations by Juliet McMaster. This revealing collection of letters written by Penelope Clay and William Walter Elliot was published for the 1993 AGM in Lake Louise.